Norge Mineraler is committed to advancing sustainable practices in material extraction and production by employing best available technologies. To leverage these technologies at an early stage, it is essential to prioritise research and development and secure access to emerging innovations.

This entity oversees a strategic portfolio of R&D projects, some of which are already in motion. These initiatives have the potential to deliver substantial benefits for society, as well as our company.

Ongoing R&D Initiatives




Waste Rock

Waste Rock

Innovative use of waste streams for production of industrial raw materials and by-products

Tailings And Waste Rock

Tailings and Waste Rock

Repurpose tailings as geopolymer for concrete production

CO2 handling and sequestration

Leaching of tailings for metal recovery

Agriculture use of tailings

Microbiology / Biomining

Sustainable Solutions

Sustainable Solutions

SFI Minerals – potential project (pending evaluation results)

Reducing carbon emission from mining

Downstream Processing

Downstream Processing

Hydrogen production

Leaching of Metals (vanadium extraction / REEs)

Titanium powder production for 3D printing, aerospace, defence
