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Geopolitical dimensions of the future supply of Critical Raw Materials
Norge Mining’s, Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde shares insights on the role Norway could play in shifting the balance of Global supply...

Educating the next generation of geologists
When Monika Øksnes – now Norge Mining’s Chief Operating Officer, but then Camp Manager – was living at our exploration...

Green mining for a green energy transition
Global Commodities Forum 2021 September 14 Session 4: Green mining for a green energy transition Norge Mining Founder, Michael Wurmser...

A sporting chance: Norge Mining sponsors local club
Helleland is a village and parish in Eigersund municipality in Rogaland county, Norway. Perhaps not hugely well known to those...

Norway turns even greener
Norway has some seriously green ambitions. Not least, to become the world’s first country to end the sale of fossil-fuel...

Critical raw material supply, strategy & vulnerability
In February, in what was seen as a defensive move against possible future U.S.-led trade bans, China increased its production...