I Feel Like We Are Making History

Spørsmål og Svar | 01 april 2021

“I feel like we are making history” Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde, Non-Executive Director

Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde is now a Non-Executive Director at Norge Mining. She’s also been a professional climber who once trained...

Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries

Historie | 19 mars 2021

Lithium iron phosphate batteries: The future of EV technology?

LFPsphosphorusEV batteries

Forget lithium-ion. Lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries for Electric Vehicles are rapidly speeding into our lives. Leading this charge appears...

Critical Raw Materials The Balance

Mening | 04 mars 2021

Critical raw materials: the balance of power is changing

The world now knows what we’ve suspected for a long time: our vanadium, phosphate and titanium in southern Norway’s Øygrei...

If There Is One Country That

Spørsmål og Svar | 25 februar 2021

“If there is one country that can give the world sustainable extraction of critical minerals, it’s Norway.” Odd Stangeland, Mayor of Eigersund

The mineral resource at Øygrei has been well known for quite some time. But, understanding now that the mineral levels...

One Of The Most Important Global

Nyheter | 18 februar 2021

One of the most important global finds in recent years?

The publication of this Mineral Resource Estimate marks a major milestone for Norge Mining. It confirms that Øygrei alone, which...

What Our World Class Mineral Resource Means

Nyheter | 29 januar 2021

What our world-class mineral resource means

We’ve known for a while now that Norge Mining’s deposits of EU Critical Raw Materials in Norway are both vast...