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Å sikre en stabil forsyning av kritiske råmaterialer er ikke bare vårt mål – lær mer om EUs lov om kritiske råmaterialer og støtten til verdikjeder i Europa.


Img 8098

Nyheter | 21 des 24

A year of dynamism

Graphitevalue chainsCRMs

As we hurtle towards the end of the year, there’s been a flurry of activity. Hot off the press, I…

Spørsmål og Svar | 04 des 24

Ta fatt på framtiden med nåværende kunnskap…


Prosjektet, som innebærer å hente ut kritiske råstoffer i Norge, fortsetter fremover. Vi er stolte av å ha Norconsult –…

Year 1984. Commemorative Date For Birthday And Celebration. Set In Black And White With Retro Font.

Historie | 27 nov 24

Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries turn 40…

energy transitionVRFBCRMs

1984 was quite a year: it saw the birth of commercial giants Virgin Atlantic and Vodaphone and Bob Geldof made…

Europe From Space

Nyheter | 22 nov 24

Norge Mining signs open letter to COP29 world leaders

emissionsCOP29value chains

As COP29 in Azerbaijan draws to a close, Norge Mining’s CEO, John Vergopoulos, has joined 116 business executives in signing an…

Vincent Erhart Y2tfj9i7sae Unsplash

Mening, Hendelser | 21 okt 24

“Pressure has increased on industries & governments…”

geopoliticssupply chainsenergy transition

I was honoured to be a panel expert at the FT Mining Summit in London, for a discussion on ‘Bridging…

Green Microchip Set In A Blue Printed Circuit Board

Mening | 07 okt 24

“Economic dependencies are turning into geopolitical vulnerabilities”

CRMsvalue chaineurope

The so-called ‘Draghi Report’ on the ‘Future of European Competitiveness’ is now in the public domain. Considered a blueprint or…